Join us as we have two great personalities and each subject matter experts speaking on great topics.
Bjørn Bahnsen is a serial entrepreneur with his heart in the right place. Among others he runs furniture factories, a robot factory, Robotize, and Dallund Slot (Castle).
He has BCORP Certified Dallund Castle because he wants to show an alternative to how you can do business.
Lasse Fredslund is a dedicated PO with a big heart for Sustainability – also in code. He heads up Umbraco’s Community Sustainability Team.
Lasse’s talk: Building sustainability into your web presence
The IT industry is responsible for 3-4% of global CO2 emissions. As a tech vendor, we have a responsibility to help our customers and partners deliver digital experiences in the most sustainable way.
In this session, we’ll share best practices on how to build sustainability into your web presence and deliver insights to help you minimize the climate impact of your website by diving into initiatives that will help you reduce carbon emissions.
16:30 – Share a ride from Umbraco A/S, Buchwaldsgade 35
17:00 – 17:30 Tour and thoughts behind Dallund Slot
17:30 – 18:00 Bjørn Bahnsen: “BCORP Certification how – and why it matters to you”
18:00 – 18:30 Sandwich and Friendmaking
18:30 – 19.00 Lasse Fredslund: “Build sustainability into your web presence”
19:00 Bye
Plenty of parking at Dallund Slot.
Dallund Slot is a 20 min ride by car from Odense City Centre.
Let’s meet at the entrance of Umbraco (Buchwaldsgade 35) at 16:30 and share rides to Dallund Slot. Cars leave no later than 16:35, be there or be square 🙂
Please rsvp the day before, no later than at 11:59 CET.
Tuesday, February 27, 2024 at 5:00 – 7:00 PM
Lokation: Dallund Slot, Dallundvej 63, Søndersø
Cloud Club er stedet hvor vi mødes for at blive opdateret på de sidste nye tendenser og metoder indenfor programmering, cloud, sikkerhed og infrastruktur.
Vi har fokus på teknologier og emner der er relevante for medarbejdere der arbejder med SW-udvikling.
Møderne holder vi én gang om måneden og gerne hos ét af vores gode medlemmer på Fyn.
Formatet er enkelt. En til to oplægsholdere til at inspirere os om dagens emne og lidt god forplejning undervejs.
Målgruppe: SW-udviklere, projektledere og designere
- |Events. Fyn. Medlemstilbud
Cloud Club: Cloud Architecture & Finding your unique learning strategy
We have an interesting combo in this Cloud Club.
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