Welcome to yet an exciting eventing in Cloud Club
We have two topics this evening – along with a sandwich and something nice to drink 🙂
Viewing Cyber Risk Across Multi-Cloud Environments
Optimize your processes by developing applications and automation solutions with PowerShell, PowerPlatform and Azure
Christian Jacobsen, Rapid7 will talk about:
Modern cloud environments are complex and can be very difficult to secure, and this is especially true in environments that span multiple cloud platforms, each with their own unique architectures, nomenclature and security frameworks.
Whether organizations are operating multi-cloud environments today or need the flexibility to in the future, it is critical for security teams to have tooling that can provide visibility, risk assessment and automated resolution across all major CSPs.
In this webinar we will highlight:
- How customers gain consistent visibility over disparate environments
- The operational benefits of cross-platform visibility and normalization
- How we help to reduce complexity and make it easier for teams to understand risk?
Lars Dorow Corydon, MB Solutions will talk about:
Optimize your processes by developing applications and automation solutions with PowerShell, PowerPlatform and Azure.
- 17:00 Welcome and networking
- 17:15 Viewing Cyber Risk Across Multi-Cloud Environments, Christian Jacobsen, Rapid7
- 17:45 Sandwiches and networking
- 18:15 Optimize your processes by developing applications and automation solutions with PowerShell, PowerPlatform and Azure, by Lars Dorow Corydon, MB Solutions
- 19:00 Bye
Christian Jacobsen is a sales specialist on Cloud and Application Security at Rapid7.
Lars Dorow Corydon is responsibility for the Development team, planning and designing solutions at MB Solutions A/S.
Please sign up no later at noon on the day – but why wait?
August 30 · Odense
Cloud Club er stedet hvor vi mødes for at blive opdateret på de sidste nye tendenser og metoder indenfor programmering, cloud, sikkerhed og infrastruktur.
Vi har fokus på teknologier og emner der er relevante for medarbejdere der arbejder med SW-udvikling.
Møderne holder vi én gang om måneden og gerne hos ét af vores gode medlemmer på Fyn.
Formatet er enkelt. En til to oplægsholdere til at inspirere os om dagens emne og lidt god forplejning undervejs.
Målgruppe: SW-udviklere, projektledere og designere
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