Catharina (Head of Community, House of Impact)
Addresses how to become a success as an entrepreneur – with a focus on the mental aspect. Provides insight into specific pitfalls for entrepreneurs, some of which involve factors other than business strategy. Briefly discusses intrapreneurship and entrepreneurship and why it’s important to gather various forms of entrepreneurs under the same roof. Briefly touches on why it’s important that we work with entrepreneurs in the same way as elite athletes.
Daniel (CTO, LittleGiants) & Mathies (Team Leader, LittleGiants)
A story about LittleGiants’ technical journey and how we work on app projects. From the first app projects in the basement in Dyrup to the larger projects we’re dealing with today.
A story about delivering top-quality code while ensuring high customer satisfaction, which is harder than it sounds.
At the same time, part of the discussion will focus on technology choices, including Flutter. Likewise, there will be discussion about the pros and cons of changing technologies, including do’s and don’ts when it comes to software development.
17:00 Welcome and Friendmaking
17:15 Catharina – how to become a success as an entrepreneur
17:45 Sandwich
18:15 Daniel & Mathies – our technical journey and how we work on app projects
19:00 Bye
RSVP the day before at 11:59 – but why wait?
There are parking spots right outside the building.
Tuesday, May 28, 2024, 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM CEST
Wichmandsgade 5 · Odense
Cloud Club er stedet hvor vi mødes for at blive opdateret på de sidste nye tendenser og metoder indenfor programmering, cloud, sikkerhed og infrastruktur.
Vi har fokus på teknologier og emner der er relevante for medarbejdere der arbejder med SW-udvikling.
Møderne holder vi én gang om måneden og gerne hos ét af vores gode medlemmer på Fyn.
Formatet er enkelt. En til to oplægsholdere til at inspirere os om dagens emne og lidt god forplejning undervejs.
Målgruppe: SW-udviklere, projektledere og designere
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Vil du komme forrest i køen om de nyuddannede talenter og være med til at skabe fremtidens uddannelser indenfor cybersikkerhed?
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IT-DAY Odense: Danmarks største IT-karrieremesse
Deltag i IT-DAY hvor vi fejrer it når Danmarks it-virksomheder kommer til hjertet af Odense til Danmarks største it-karrieremesse