I alt får 24 europæiske kvinder prisen for deres arbejde og resultater indenfor it og teknologi.
”Det er dejligt, at IT-Branchens initiativer gør sig bemærket i udlandet, og at vores arbejde med AI og data i forhold til EU samt vores arbejde med at accelerere innovation og iværksætteri i vores samfund og erhvervsliv anerkendes på den måde,” siger Natasha Friis Saxberg, adm. direktør i IT-Branchen.
Det er første gang prisen uddeles og de 24 vinderes kompetencer spænder fra matematik, computer science, it, kunstig intelligens, apps, IoT, ingeniør, bæredygtighed og til energi, tele, legaltech, R&D, mobilitet, 3D teknologier og kompetencedagsordnen.
De 24 vindere er:
- Anne-Marie Imafidon, Head Stemette and Co-Founder, STEMettes
- Sheila Flavell CBE, Chief Operating Officer and Board Member, FDM Group and techUK
- Sara Boutall, Co-Founder, Innovation Disrupt House and Communication
- Maya Gura, Co-Founder and CEO, Missbeez
- Camilla Ley Valentin, Co-founder and CCO, Queue-it
- Petra Kotuliakova, Founder & CEO, Aj ty v IT
- Laura Lozano Lominchar, Co-Founder and CEO, Chargy
- Lisa-Marie Fassl, Co-founder and CEO, Female Founders
- Amanda Heslop, Chief Design Engineer TP400 and Legacy Programmes, Rolls Royce
- Hillary Harel, Co-Founder and CEO, Serenus.AI
- Sabrina Malpede, Co-Founder and CEO, ACT Blade
- Natasha Friis Saxberg, CEO, IT-Branchen
- Elisabetta Romano, CEO, Sparkle – TIM Group
- Sophie Martinetz, Founder, Northcote.Recht/Future-Law
- Iseult Ward, CEO, Foodcloud
- Orit Hashay, Founder and CEO, Brayola
- Prof. Graziella Pellegrini, R&D Director, Holostem Terapie Avanzate
- Tamy Ribeiro, Chief Evangelist and Head of Partnerships, Wunder Mobility
- Maria Vircikova, Co-Founder and CEO, Matsuko
- Eva Ratti, Co-Founder, Find your Doctor
- Inna Braverman, Co-Founder and CEO, Eco Wave Power
- Laura Fauqueur, Director of Master in Legal-Tech, CEU IAM Business School
- Andrea Panczél, President and Managing Director, Women in Energy in Hungary Association (WONY) and White Paper Consulting
- Anne Mellano, Co-Founder, Bestmile