TechBBQ 2019

Få medlemsrabat og deltag i Danmarks største event for tech-startups og iværksætteri.

Dato & tidspunkt


Deltag i Danmarks største event for tech-startups og iværksætteri når TechBBQ løber af stablen den 18. – 19. september 2019 i Øksnehallen.

IT-Branchen er igen partner på Tech BBQ, og kan derfor tilbyde medlemmer 30 pct. rabat på billetten. Brug dette link når du tilmelder dig.

TechBBQ is about sharing. Sharing success stories. Sharing learnings from failures. Sharing a good time. Sharing to make Copenhagen tech community stronger, better, happier and more fun! 

IT-Branchen afholder en debat på TechBBQ under emnet The unseen benefits of developing in global teams. Debatten foregår på engelsk og den 19. september, kl. 10.10 på Developers Corner.

The unseen benefits of developing in global teams
Get insights in pitfall and shortcuts working in global teams, developing your initial product. Discussion between Christian Brink Frederiksen, CEO of LEAPWORK and Christian Tørnqvist, Country Manager LTI Denmark.

LEAPWORK is the only no-code automation platform for RPA and test automation, using a visual language for codeless enterprise automation. LTI are a global offshoring company working on POC and development with startups in Denmark and around the world.

During initial development the startup LEAPWORK worked with different partners and global teams around the world.

  • Learn how this impacted LEAPWORK’s own team of developers and the race for bringing a new technical solution quickly to the market.
  • One partner (LTI) proved helpful in new ways helping LEAPWORK with giving technical feedback from a large global community of developing teams.