Industrial Security Conference Copenhagen

We are increasingly experiencing cybercrime growing and cybercriminals collaborating to create complex sophisticated attacks. It is no longer a question if your company will be compromised, but rather when it will be.

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Crowne Plaza Copenhagen Towers Ørestads Blvd. 114 – 118, DK-2300 Copenhagen

We are increasingly experiencing cybercrime growing at a rapid rate and cybercriminals collaborating globally to create complex sophisticated attacks. Industries such as transport, public sector services, telecommunications, energy Sector and critical manufacturing industries are prime targets of cyber-attacks and hacking against their respective critical infrastructure. It is especially dangerous and costly because it disrupts necessities such as water, heat, healthcare, and food supply.

The threat landscape is ever changing and so are the tools necessary to keep networks, IT/OT systems, and people protected from cyber-attacks. It is no longer a question if your company will be compromised, but rather when it will be. At the Industrial Security Conference in Copenhagen, you will experience presentations from leading expert around the world, rewarding keynotes, knowledge sharing and networking with international peers in the industry.

Monday through Wednesday, November 14th-16th
at Crowne Plaza Copenhagen Towers, Ørestads Blvd. 114 – 118, Copenhagen


The conference is divided in a Danish part on Day 1 and an international conference on Day 2 and 3. You are free to choose between attending all 3 days or 2 days for the international part depending on your preferences.

As a member of ITB you can use a discount 15%. Write: ITB15%2022 when you sign up.

Day 1:
SCADA – oprustning af kritisk infrastruktur
Day 2 & 3:
International Industrial Security
Erfaringer fra krigen i Ukraine i relation til cybertruslenNetwork visibility considerations in industrial control system monitoring
Typer og eksempler på angreb i energisektoren i 2022The State of the Industrial Cybersecurity in Europe
Hvordan løser vi talent and ressourceudfordringen i branchen?How to cover and validate security requirements in tenders for your suppliers?
Er truslen mod danske forsyningsvirksomheder fup eller fakta?Bridging the gap between IT and OT
Energistyrelsens nye Cyber og informationssikkerhedsstrategiEvaluating Asset Owner Implications from Cyber Conflict
Opdatering på trusselsvurderingen fra CFCSIndustrial Security – 13 Ways to Break a Firewall
Paneltalk: Woman in Cybersecurity
Doctor StrangeFormat: How I learned to be an archeologist for SBOMs

The event program is currently in the works and will be announced as soon as all speakers have confirmed their participation and slots.

In the meantime you can scroll through last year’s program here.