Vær med når Udenrigsministeriet og de danske innovationscentre inviterer til en inspirationsdag om Global Tech Trends. IT-Branchen er med til at arrangere en session om kvanteteknologi.
About the conference
New research and innovation ecosystems are emerging in the area of quantum technology, which holds a great potential for society and industry. With the revolutionizing Industry 4.0 as a driver, quantum technology is part a new wave pushing innovation forward in a production industry landscape under heavy transformation. It is still early days for the commercial use of quantum, but some industries are closer to deriving value from quantum computing than others. Read more about the conference here.
Don’t miss out on a most rewarding experience and sign up for the event today!
It’s free to participate.
Thursday, 15th of December 2022, at 09:00 – 17:30
Eigtveds Pakhus, Strandgade 25 D, 1401 København