Kevin Simper from Trifork will present the latest advancements in artificial intelligence within a business context. He will share an in-depth analysis and real-world examples, illustrating how AI and computer vision is set to revolutionize various industries and enhance efficiency including Trifork cases. Kevin will draw upon his expertise in AI to discuss emerging trends, potential applications, and strategies for businesses to integrate AI effectively into their operations.
Kevin recently joined Trifork from Green Mobility, where he was the CTO. At Trifork he is heading up a business unit fully focusing on AI working with Copenhagen Airport, Velux and other larger enterprises.
GOTO is happy to sponsor a one-day ticket for the Tech conference of the year in Denmark held Oct. 2 – 4 2024. Value DKK 5.500
Anybody who attend the event at Trifork is a part of the draw. We will find the winner after Kevin’s keynote on the night.
16:30: Arrival
16:35: Welcome to Trifork and guided tour around Porten
by Malthe Kringelbach Iversem, CMO, Trifork
17:00: Keynote: Business critical AI and computer vision solutions in B2B
by Kevin Simper, Business Unit Lead, Trifork
18:00: Networking, drinks & sandwich
19:30: Thank you for today
Join the event and get the opportunity to gain some unique insight in the IT industry and to increase your network with your peers.
Wednesday 24th of January from 16.30 – 19.30 PM
Trifork, Gdanskgade 2, 2150 København
About Trifork
Trifork is a global NextGen IT company that develops innovative software solutions in collaboration with its customers. The company has more than 1,202 employees, across 72 business units, with offices in 15 countries in Europe and the USA, and works in six business areas: Digital Health, FinTech, Smart Building, Cloud Operations, Cyber Protection and Smart Enterprise. Trifork’s research and development takes place in Trifork Labs, where Trifork continuously co-invests and develops technology start-up companies.
Trifork is behind the brand, GOTO, which runs a global tech community with more than 49 million views on YouTube. Trifork Holding is a publicly listed company on Nasdaq Copenhagen and trades under the ticker TRIFOR.