Hvad talte for at vælge en it-uddannelse?
It was a situational decision for me to take an IT education. I found technology always appealing and attractive, so I had a feeling that I wanted to work with technology in some way. After seeing the impact that IT is making on the world, I was sure that IT is the way forward.
Hvad talte imod at vælge en it-uddannelse?
I had no background whatsoever in any of the programming languages. The only time I heard about the word “Java” was when a message popped up while logging into my online bank account. That, however, was not a hurdle at all for me in continuing with the IT-education. It was the steepest learning curve for me, not an impossible task – it got easier with the time. Working with programming projects such as mobile apps, robots, websites and other big software projects makes IT studies really interesting.
Hvad er det der gør, at du glæder dig til at komme på arbejde hver dag?
Making a difference through my work – doesn’t matter how small – is something that makes every day worth something. The feeling that my work will be used by people in daily life and it will make their life easier and help them achieve more, is what motivates me to come to work every day.
Hvad er det fedeste du har fået lov til at lave?
During my bachelor, I worked with a robot which was the coolest project I ever worked on. I never expected to be able to make a robot and program it to perform certain tasks, especially while I was still studying.
Hvad er det bedste ved at have taget en it-uddannelse?
The feeling that you are part of the IT revolution that the world is going through and you are contributing to the change. In the time when we are so much surrounded by computer machines, it feels amazing when you are not oblivious about your surroundings but actually know how most of the stuff works, at least to some extent.
Hvis du skulle give et godt råd til de unge, der skal til at vælge en uddannelse, hvad skulle det så være?
If you look around, see which direction the world is going, realize what field is creating the most careers and embrace the technology, it will be obvious that IT is an important part of every organization these days and it is having a huge impact on people’s lives and their future. IT is a great career path in current times and being part of it might be the best career decision you made. Think pragmatically of what is the best career choice for you where you can use your full potential and go for it.