Inspirational Talk By Roar V. Bovim

The Employee Experience Advantage – boosting attraction, engagement, and retention of your employees.

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The Employee Experience Advantage – boosting attraction, engagement, and retention of your employees.

Employee experience (EX) is the new black. The top companies in Denmark have already started investing heavily in this approach and hired their first employee experience managers. In this inspirational talk we will answer and discuss the following questions:

  • What is EX and why is EX growing in popularity?
  • What are the benefits of working intentionally with EX?
  • How can companies get started with managing and designing EX?
  • How to succeed with implementing EX projects? What are the hurdles that companies need to overcome?
  • How can software solutions support management, design, and delivery of EX?

About the speaker

Dr. Roar V. Bovim, Co-Founder and CEO of Livingroom
Roar is co-founder and CEO of Livingroom Analytics. Based on his PhD and extensive research within organizational behavior and social psychology, he has developed the Bovim Model, a unique model for measuring and improving Employee Experience (EX). Leveraging the model, Livingroom delivers a data-driven and innovative EX Management Platform that helps companies transform their employee experiences and foster a culture of belonging, where employees feel included, inspired, and involved.

Besides heading up Livingroom Analytics, Roar is teaching leadership and organizational behavior at the Copenhagen Business School. In the past, he has served as visiting scholar at the Fisher College of Business at The Ohio State University and has worked as a management consultant for 15+ years advising large companies in the Nordics, e.g., Equinor, Copenhagen University, and Kongsberg Automotive.

Inspirational Talks

Inspiration is a stimulus that triggers mental activity, and as we all know, it is crucial to constantly stay informed and thus be inspired by listening, interpreting, and adding to one’s own pearl of wisdom. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to fit into one’s everyday life. We have developed ITB’s Inspirational Talks for that exact reason. We promise to keep you inspired with new knowledge every single month.

The Inspirational Talks is a member’s only offer and will be held once a month. It will be up to the speaker whether they chose to offer the talk in English or Danish. The talks will always be held virtually and last an hour. During this hour, the participants will be able to have Q&A sessions with the speaker. The speaker determines whether the Q&A will happen during or after the presentation.