NFTs and the Rebirth of the Web
A fast-paced tour of recent blockchain-based projects that will open your eyes to emerging forms of co-creation and coordination. By merging culture, technology, and finance, these projects showcase opportunities for individuals and businesses while giving new hope for our collective ability to address global challenges.
The talk will be held virtually in English. It is free to attend.
Michael Sherain is co-founder and CEO of Feats, a Danish startup building the first professional network based on verified roles in projects people do together. Feats stems from Michael’s experience as a Partner in Quadric, a strategic consulting firm specializing in positioning strategy for international companies. As an External Lecturer at DTU, Michael has taught Strategic Differentiation. His startup investments include Mighty Buildings, Runa HR, and Timeshifter where he is also a member of the Board.
Inspirational Talks
Inspiration er en stimulus, der udløser mental hjerneaktivitet, og giver dig lyst til at gøre noget kreativt eller anderledes.
Vi ved godt, at det er vigtigt konstant at holde os orienterede og dermed blive inspirerede ved at lytte, tolke og sætte nye guldkorn ind sin egen sammenhæng. Men det kan være utrolig svært at få passet det ind i en ofte travl hverdag.
Derfor har vi udviklet IT-Branchens Inspirational Talks, hvor vi vil love dig, at du vil blive inspireret af ny læring. Inspirational Talks afholdes én gang om måneden og vil altid være virtuelt og én time. Det er kun muligt for medlemmer at deltage og det er gratis. Så hold øje med vores eventkalender, og tilmeld dig og dine kollegaer.