Customers will increasingly demand energy-efficient IT solutions
Whereas IT is already leveraging sustainability and energy efficiency in other sectors, IT developers also need to ensure that the ICT products (Information and Communication Technology) they are designing will become more sustainable and energy efficient.
IT suppliers who focus their efforts on developing energy-efficient IT solutions are receiving positive customer feedback. Acting responsibly and being able to offer energy-efficient IT solutions are already a competitive factor. Hence, energy-efficiency certification of ICT will play a major role in the future, as IT companies need to be able to document their sustainability initiatives in a trustworthy and transparent manner.
Certifying ICT for energy efficiency is a relatively new field, and no specific guidelines and certifications exist. The research and innovation project GreenCOM has been launched with the purpose of developing new methods and technologies that will help IT companies become more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly.
This webinar is the first in a series where we will share the latest knowledge from the research project.
21th of November from 14.00 – 16.00 PM
Setting the scene
- Welcome, FORCE Technology and the Alexandra Institute
- GreenCOM – energy-efficient and green ICT, Leif Katsuo Oxenløwe, Professor DTU
Meet the customers who demand green ICT products:
- Henrik Bruun-Pedersen, Head of IT Procurement, Maersk
- Pia Halldorsson, Chefkonsulent CSR og Peter Wille, software-arkitekt, DR
Meet the IT suppliers who are front-runners within green ICT solutions and energy efficiency:
- Anders Elliott Hansen, Sales Director, STACK Infrastructure,
- Mads Hedegaard, CEO, Edora
How do you get started?
- How to measure the energy consumption of your IT solution, Rejoose
- Get an overview of existing certifications and frameworks, Meiken Hansen, FORCE Technology
- Conclusion and how you can get involved
Organizers: Alexandra Institute, DI Digital, FORCE Technology, IT-Branchen.